Saturday, July 5, 2008

P/S: As for the basketball photos, i'm not in it :D I'm much cooler okay ! LOL !

Saturday !

Morning woke up emo-ing. Went to school to watch 3v3 competition. Fk i should have just joined it. WHY I DIDNT JOIN !! If not sure al least can get top 3. See them play until like noob nia. Especially Roger's team LOL. Laughing hard at how they & how he command people but ownself cant even do a single shit. Kim's team champian. KT 2nd & Fariz 3rd. If i join at least can get 3rd bah. Cb Julian nvr tell me he wan make team. Last minute I want form team den deadline liaos. Wasted lah !

These are pictures tooken this morning :]

& As a club secretary, need to do newsletter & reports. Suggested to teacher that wanna make a visiting trip to some fun places. Anyone got suggestion :r ?

As said, these are pictures tooken during friday. Ntg much le bah. Cant maple cause computer start to get crazy edi. SIAN ! Go study & dota luhh.


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