Thursday, July 17, 2008

I've been very very tired these few days and I dont know why -.- Maybe due to lack of sleep. Stressed up :x

At school, had 2 seminars today. 1st is EST & 2nd is Physics. 3 & a half hours in the seminar room. SOOOOOO sleepy ! Actually I did fell asleep during Physics seminar LOL. for about 20 minutes :)

Back to home, parents went out. Sleep again zzz 2:30pm till 4:30pm only wake up. Haven eat lunch lol. Then mom came back & keong gan. Tio scold.

Wondering how come there are so many friends around me. Wherever I go, theres someone I know, always. <3

Just finished my maths revision. Chapter 5 ; Variation. Easy & Boring.

OMFG ! Trials starts on 9th of September ! Thats soo freakin near T_T Busy studying everyday. Spent at least 8 hours per day for studies (including school >.<).

Byebye :) Everyone jiayouus ! All the best yeah .

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